KENEONO - Dikesempatan kali ini saya akan share Google Chrome Offline Installer Terbaru 79.0.3945.130. Google Chrome merupakan salah satu software browser terbaik saat ini yang ringan dan juga cepat. Untuk yang google chrome nya masih versi lama silakan update ke versi yang terbaru ini. Dengan download versi offline ini saat install tidak perlu harus terkoneksi internet, ada yang versi 32 bit dan juga 64 bit sesuai kebutuhan sobat.
Why Choose Google Chrome Offline Installer 2020?
Rate google Chromer starts quickly and easily download webpage google Chrome can be quickly accessed from the desktop. google Chrome instantly loads a web page. google Chrome handles interactive web pages, web applications and the javascript code at an unprecedented rate.
Simplicity google Chrome is designed based on the requirements of efficiency and convenience To search and navigation using a single window. Tabs can be arranged in any order – fast and easy. Favorite sites are always at hand: their thumbnail images are displayed on the page shortcuts. Style Thanks to the browser themes will be even brighter and more attractive Design your web browser, using color palettes, patterns, pictures and author’s schedule. Visit the gallery to google Chrome.
Year: 2020
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Language: Multilanguage
[Google Chrome Offline Installer 64 Bit | ChromeStandaloneSetup_64.exe | 58 MB]
Sekian artikel tentang Google Chrome Offline Installer Terbaru 2020 v80.0.3987.162 kali ini dari saya semoga bermanfaat untuk sobat semua.
Why Choose Google Chrome Offline Installer 2020?
Rate google Chromer starts quickly and easily download webpage google Chrome can be quickly accessed from the desktop. google Chrome instantly loads a web page. google Chrome handles interactive web pages, web applications and the javascript code at an unprecedented rate.
Simplicity google Chrome is designed based on the requirements of efficiency and convenience To search and navigation using a single window. Tabs can be arranged in any order – fast and easy. Favorite sites are always at hand: their thumbnail images are displayed on the page shortcuts. Style Thanks to the browser themes will be even brighter and more attractive Design your web browser, using color palettes, patterns, pictures and author’s schedule. Visit the gallery to google Chrome.
Year: 2020
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Language: Multilanguage
Download Google Chrome Offline Installer Terbaru 2020 v80.0.3987.162 dibawah ini :
[Google Chrome Offline Installer 32 Bit | ChromeStandaloneSetup_86.exe | 57 MB][Google Chrome Offline Installer 64 Bit | ChromeStandaloneSetup_64.exe | 58 MB]
Sekian artikel tentang Google Chrome Offline Installer Terbaru 2020 v80.0.3987.162 kali ini dari saya semoga bermanfaat untuk sobat semua.
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